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Pour paint in a paint tray.  Apply a generous and even layer of paint onto the foam roller.

Start rolling on a clean, grease free surface that has been cleaned well with Lacquer Thinners.  (Always allow thinners to dry well before starting to paint.  20-30-minute waiting time is recommended). One should be careful not to over work the roller, this is when roughness occurs.

If roughness is experienced once the first coat is dry, lightly sand with a 200grid sandpaper to get an even feel and then apply a final coat.

A mohair roller is recommended for larger, flat surfaces.

Ensure working in a breeze-free area when working with a paint roller. Air bubbles will appear on the surface when working with a foam roller.  This is a natural process.  It is the air within the foam that is being transmitted onto your surface.  Allow for air bubbles to dry naturally (no breeze or wind within the room) and it will vanish completely once dry.