Clear Glaze
• As the name describes, it is clear – colourless. It is a pure acrylic sealant, water-based and
• Dilute 100ml Glaze at a time with 30ml of water in a different container.
• Use a damp, clean colourless cloth (dampen by water and not too wet – only damp) the size
of a kitchen towel. (Something like a good quality mutton cloth works well.)
• Dip the cloth into the Glaze and water mixture and squeeze to remove any excess moisture.
• Evenly apply the Glaze onto the painted surface more or less 4 hours after painting. Wipe in
one direction ensuring that all areas are covered evenly. For a more satin finish more than
one coat can be applied 30 minutes apart. We recommend to use the Clear Glaze to create
water-resistant and UV resistant surfaces.
• Exposure to direct sunlight will require 3 coats.
(Apply 1 coat every 30 minutes).
• To keep hands clean one can use gloves during use or –
• Wash hands during and immediately after use with warm soapy water.